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Thoughts and observations on mental health, technology, social media, photography and more.

Neil Parekh
Dec 7, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Season Finale)
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Neil Parekh
Nov 24, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Guest: Scott Kinderman)
In this powerful episode, Scott Kinderman shares his inspirational journey from trauma to transformation.

Neil Parekh
Oct 29, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Guest: Jon Vaughn)
This month, we will be joined by Jon Vaughn. He is a father, survivor, author and advocate.

Neil Parekh
Sep 24, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Guest: Cathy Studer)
Cathy Studer is our guest on our second special LIVE edition of Unspoken: Conversations with Candace. We'll review several past episodes.

Neil Parekh
Aug 28, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Guest: Lori Poland)
Lori Poland, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The National Foundation to End Child Abuse and Neglect (EndCAN).

Neil Parekh
Jul 24, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Guest: Shawn Hittman)
Shawn Hittman is the guest. Candace Sanchez is the Host. I was the guest on the first episode and am the co-host for the rest of the season.

Neil Parekh
Jun 28, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Guest: Michael Koplinka-Loehr)
Candace Sanchez is the Host. I was the guest on the first episode and am the co-host. Michael Koplinka-Loehr is the guest for Episode 6.

Neil Parekh
May 22, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Guest: James Turner)
In this heartwarming and empowering episode, Candace and Neil welcome James Turner, a retired library assistant and poet.

Neil Parekh
Apr 24, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Guest: Callen Harty)
In this deeply emotional episode, Callen Harty shares his emotional journey as a survivor of child sex abuse.

Neil Parekh
Mar 24, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Guest: Nathan Spiteri)
We're proud to feature Nathan Spiteri on this month's episode, as he shares his powerful story and advocates for change.

Neil Parekh
Feb 26, 2023
My 7-year-old self and my 49-year-old self both say, “Thank You.”
This blog post is a giant Thank You from both my 7 y.o. self and my 49 y.o. self to everyone who reached out after I shared my story.

Neil Parekh
Feb 26, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Guest: Kenneth Rogers, Jr.)
Join us for an inspiring episode with Kenneth Rogers, Jr., a male survivor of childhood sexual abuse.

Neil Parekh
Jan 20, 2023
Unspoken: Conversations with Candace (Guest: Neil Parekh)
Season 3 of Unspoken: Conversations with Candace is dedicated to male survivors of sexual abuse. Neil Parekh is the first guest.

Neil Parekh
Jan 18, 2023
A Journey of Discovery and Healing
Trigger Warning. This post includes references to childhood sexual abuse. I was sexually abused by a 12-year-old neighbor when I was seven.
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