I love to sing. Some people actually say I am pretty good. It’s my creative outlet. I pretty much sing every day, when I am sad, happy, mad, or frustrated. It doesn’t really matter, it calms me and makes me feel alive at the same time.
After talking to Steffen, I realized that finding that thing (or things) in our lives that makes us feel better when we are struggling is probably one of the most important aspects of self-love and wellness.
I love walks and nature, but those two things just don’t love me as much. I have lots of allergies and I am an absolute bug magnet, I also have arthritis in my feet, which makes walking more painful than anything else.
But give me a beautiful body of water, blue skies, butterflies and my phone and I can feel so at peace with the things that surround me.
I discussed the importance of finding joy on a new show that I launched with Neil Parekh, “Shining Light on Shadows: A Candid Conversation About Mental Health.” Steffen Kaplan will be our guest.
*We will upload the video to Instagram shortly.
As I walk this journey to mental wellness I realize that most of us need something, something that distracts us, something that gives us joy, makes us smile or provides us with a sense of calm.
Finding that something is also a journey within itself. Remember how I said I loved to sing, well I spent most of my formative years in musical theater, but after I got raped, I lost that love. I never returned to theater and I didn’t do much singing. Three years ago at Christmas, the love of my life bought me a karaoke machine (which I am pretty sure he regrets upon occasion). We have used that thing at least once a week over the past three years. It’s now almost a need for me.
At the end of the day, doing what is best for you when you are feeling depressed or anxious is the most important thing. That may mean taking a walk, hiking, camping, reading, talking to a friend, staying in bed or singing. Do what you can to find what gives you a little sliver of joy.