Anyone who knows me understands that I have a lot of energy for life, especially when it comes to creating imagery and my work as a social media, visual strategist and livestream producer. But that energy can be dampened by stress, affecting my creativity. Thankfully I have found a natural aid and way of helping me deal with stress in life: nature preserves and state parks. I always feel better than ever, when I am out and about spending time in Mother Nature. The great outdoors is my "Happy Place!"
It’s been a stressful four years with this pandemic; being at home so much during the lockdown and for some time afterward for an extrovert like myself is not easy! So many lives lost, so much heartbreak, known and unknown. Politics I will stay away from, but it too has been unnerving. Add in a teenager getting ready to go to college and the expenses etc. Not easy, right? But stress is a part of life and it's really how we deal with it. For years I've worked at learning how to cope -- some years have been easier than others -- but it took the pandemic and long walks in nature to show me the way. I will add that for years I went to therapy and it was the best thing I've ever done, that is until I discovered what nature walks can do for me, both personally and physically.
I discussed the benefits of immersing yourself in nature (and taking pictures) on a new show launched by my friend, Neil Parekh and Dawn Helmrich Neuburg, “Shining Light on Shadows: A Candid Conversation About Mental Health.” You can watch the recording on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram* and Neil's website. *We will upload the video to Instagram shortly.
Now for a little more background. I'm also a photographer -- street photography has always been a part of my life and the way I see things -- I was a supervising photo editor at The New York Times for two decades. I documented the NYPD for 10 of those years. It was a great time in my life, and photography is a huge part of my joie de vivre. So of course, photography was what led me to take more walks in nature. I soon discovered that photography and nature walks were the ultimate combination, and my time doing it became my "walking meditation."
With a camera in hand, cloudy or sunny, ultra-cold or snowy days, studying Mother Nature’s work just relaxes me from head to toe. All of the tension in my body just fades, and my mind clears within minutes of breathing in the fresh air and taking in the beauty around me. Just the other day, I was feeling a bit down over a few things, so I drove to one of my favorite places, The Celery Farm Nature Preserve in Allendale, N.J., and a few hours later my mind and body were just right. It felt like I was floating on air.
There are several lookout points that I always stop at, soaking up the sun and taking in the beautiful panoramic view of the lake. But nothing beats the experience of “Forest Bathing” -- known as Shinrin-Yoku in Japanese; the simple method of being calm and quiet amongst the trees, observing nature around you whilst breathing deeply can help both adults and children de-stress and boost health and wellbeing in a natural way -- and walking the trails with the sounds of birds, frogs, and other creatures everywhere. A nice breeze gently hitting my face is always a bonus. Winter, especially when we have a beautiful snow day, is also magical. You just need to dress a lot warmer! Trust me when I say there is something truly exhilarating about being in the middle of a snow squall or what some call a whiteout. Just a little note, always know your surroundings, location, and please, safety first. I am a professional who wanders and explores everywhere I go.
My friend and great photographer Jonathan Alcorn, and another ultra-talented shooter Rinzi Ruiz made collaborated on an inspiring video — The Zen of Photography — that I have always loved, and I encourage everyone to watch.
It doesn’t matter where you are, East Coast or West Coast, near or far, photography can serve as a walking meditation and help our overall mental and physical health. When I am this relaxed I am in a zone, a creative zone that allows me to see things we may normally pass over. My focus is 100% spot on! Everything becomes ultra-clear and starts to pop. I truly find those needles in a haystack, and the smallest details become that much sharper.
Many times photographers are on assignment and in search of "the shot." When I am out on my walks I don't go out with a predetermined mindset. I let everything flow and things just develop right in front of me; I’m observing the natural environment. My mind is totally free and my eyes wide open. But what is also apparent to me is how this all carries over into life and work once I am back in “the daily grind.” My sense of balance restored, my spirit rejuvenated, my creativity unleashed. My one rule of thumb is no posting or using my phone (if you are using a smartphone keep working on this, after all, no one is perfect) while doing my walking meditation. Always have your smartphone on Airplane Mode; no checking emails, no posting, nada! Stay offline and in the moment. Stay healthy everyone!
Where will you explore and find your peace today?
Nature photography often thrives on clarity and focus, and a #white screen can be an invaluable tool in refining composition during post-processing. Its clean, distraction-free backdrop enhances details, ensuring that the vivid textures and tones captured in nature remain the central focus. Ideal for reviewing and perfecting shots, white screen webpage supports photographers in achieving striking, professional-quality imagery.